We are always looking to hire the best therapists and administrative staff to support them. If you are interested in working with us to help others reach their goals, send an email to Inquiries@SeasonsHealth.ca
Our Practice Framework
When you work with a client of Seasons Health Therapies, you focus on the whole person. Our mission and beliefs are based in 'systems theory' (Bertalanffy, 1940s), person-centered counselling (Rogers, 1959), and the 'strengths perspective'. We ask that you consider working with us if your beliefs are in line with ours: that everything is related; that illness and accident affect all life domains: physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual; that planning and rehabilitation programming must be individualized for the client; there are no 'cookie cutters'; that the primary focus on the client's strengths is more hopeful, affirming, and life-giving than any focus on weaknesses.
If your beliefs and our practice framework agree, we want to talk to you. Providing services in rehabilitation, counselling & life skills, and medical-legal consultations, we are expanding our Associate network and opportunities exist for positions throughout the interior of BC.
Professional Practice Support
Seasons Health Therapies provides each new employee or contractor with an orientation to our company, our standards, our expectations, and our resources. You'll work with other practitioners who want to excel at their chosen profession by providing holistic comprehensive rehabilitation services to their clients. You'll learn with and from others who are committed, as you are, to excellence.
Our professional practice support ensures excellence in the rehabilitation services that we deliver throughout the province, and reflects our commitment to meeting the needs of the client, of the referral source, and of you and your professional development.
Assessment Instruments
You are not restricted in your use of assessment instruments. You are encouraged to use those with which you are familiar, and that you might own. In addition, you have access to a range of tools owned by Seasons Health Therapies.
You are invited to call your Mentor at any time for advice and recommendations about your clinical work, your report writing, and any difficulties you might be encountering. You receive periodic caseload review by, and in consultation with, your Mentor. We offer you bi-weekly time and billing analysis.
Service Evaluation
Periodically we talk with both clients and referral sources to understand their levels of satisfaction with the services our practitioners provide. The feedback we receive is shared with you so you know what to do more of, and what to do less.
As a therapist, you set the client reporting schedule, according to the needs of the individual client. Your reports go through our quality assurance process in order to support your professional presentation and to meet the report format requirements of Seasons Health Therapies. Assistance with report content development and presentation is available from both your Mentor and the Clinical Director.
Collegial Communication and Sharing of Best Practices
Every team at Seasons Health Therapies meets together monthly to share questions, processes, and best practices. Periodic company meetings let us keep you up to date on company and industry changes, and our plans for the future.
Professional Development
As a company, we are committed to supporting professional development opportunities for the people with whom we work. Funds are available for professional development in areas consistent with company's mission and direction.
Earning Potential
We offer an exceptional fee schedule that is comparable with other rehabilitation companies in the private sector and, in most cases, exceeds the public sector. Your earning potential is limited only by your availability. You determine the number of clients with whom you wish to work and, based on their needs, you determine the number of hours you will work each month.
The Role of Head Office
We think you should do what you are trained to do and we take over the rest! We assume the majority of the administrative functions including marketing, receiving referrals, and all accounting and billing functions. This support forms an implicit part of Seasons Health Therapies' commitment to providing the very best in rehabilitation services, regardless of where our clients may live. The ‘behind the scenes’ support of our clinical and administrative networks is not limited by distance or geography.
We ensure your safety by using CheckMate to protect you when you're working remotely. Many of your clients live out of town, but with CheckMate, we've got you covered! While using CheckMate, administrators can easily monitor your safety and location and follow safety protocols if you do not check-in as expected.
Employee or Independent Contractor
For more information regarding the tax implications of operating as an independent contractor, please see the Government of Canada employment guide.